December Idea Starters!
Click here for a huge list of ideas that came out of our Christmas brainstorm call!
Phoner topic ideas, spiritual idea starters, bits, social media & music topic ideas – CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL LIST!
Phone topic
Tree: Artificial vs Real
Christmas Day “remember when everything was closed”
Christmas eve tradition (maybe focusing on the odd ones)
Online shoppers vs. brick and mortar shoppers
Kids, gifts, where do you hide them?
The toys you desperately wanted when you were little
Food Christmas morning?
Gifts to pets??
The moment its Christmas to you
The gift card… a bit lazy?
Giving Bits
Mp3 recorder into a soup kitchen- get stories
Mp3 recorder- what does Christmas mean to you
On air topics that lead traffic to your site or FB
Ugly sweater
Christmas goodie recipes
Family Christmas card pics
Pics of your home decor during Christmas. Ask listeners to share their pics!
Beds (We have music beds you can grab under IDEA STARTERS if you have a login)
Movie lines as attention grabbers out of a song (Use movie clips as nostalgia)
Christmas sweepers (Use jingle bells to dress up your year round benchmark imaging during December)
Spiritual back ground of the great Christmas hymns we play (Google the stories & words behind the old Christmas carols)
Re gifting concept into on air giveaway (Give 2 copies of each prize away- one for you & one to re-gift to a friend)
If you’d like to hear the audio from the entire brainstorm call, just click here and sign up for a free trial of Creative Cardio!
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