Innovation Is When You Connect W/ People

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

CreativeCardioBCardProof1 - Back“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.” –C. S. Lewis

Tell the truth, share your world view, speak from your heart & be more connective with people. That’s how creativity builds into innovation. We’re always trying to push the envelop to be creative & innovative with our radio stations & shows. If we think of new ways to include people and help facilitate community, we will always add innovation to what we do.

When you can use media to help facilitate community, you innovate.

When you use technology to grow your relationships deeper with listeners, you innovate.

When you make people a priority, you innovate.

When you create fresh distribution channels for your show, you innovate.

When you give your listeners new opportunities to connect with your people and your brand, you innovate.

When you love your listeners, you innovate.

When you connect your web, your apps & your radio to people, you innovate.

When you encourage your listeners, you innovate.

When you give your listeners an experience, you always innovate.


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Scott Herrold

Morning Show Personality/Program Director/Creative Ninja at SOS Radio in Vegas.

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