Words Matter.

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Merry Christmas! We have an incredible opportunity this December to do more than just play great music – we get to help people refocus on what actually matters. These carols aren’t just holiday songs; they’re mini sermons and worship anthems that tell the most epic story of all time! Jesus coming to save the world.

“What or whom you worship sets the direction for your life.” – Paul David Tripp 


Think about it. These songs remind people about what’s real and unshakable during a season that can feel like a whirlwind. 

We’re playing songs with lyrics like:

Peace on earth and mercy mild… God and sinners reconciled…”

Long lay the world in sin and error pining, til He appeared and the soul felt its worth…” 

Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let earth receive her king…

O come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord…

“‘Peace on earth, good will to men, From heaven’s all gracious King…

Fall on your knees! O hear the angel’s voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born….”

These words and stories aren’t just poetic, they’re a lifeline for someone who’s stressed out or feeling far from God.

The Psalmist said it best: “I lift my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord.” 

There’s a tone you can set with our listeners this Christmas as you genuinely reflect on the lyrics and stories you’re sharing. Through your words, you can point people back to Jesus, whether they’re stuck in holiday traffic, drowning in Christmas to-dos or working though financial stress.

Lysa TerKeurst also said: “In the midst of everything that shakes us and breaks us, we have a place to look. We have a Savior to look to.” Use these moments between songs to remind people of that hope. Share a quick thought about a lyric that means something to you. Share a quick story of how Christmas songs have brought peace to your own life. Think about those “right song/right time moments” through the Christmas season.

You’re not just playing holiday songs – you’re helping people reframe their Christmas season! Let’s help them go beyond the shopping lists and parties to really connect with the joy and peace that only Jesus brings. These words can be a genuine reflection point for our listeners as we play songs that tell of the genuine hope of Jesus.  

Let’s consider that as we prep our content to invite listeners to better comprehend that joy this week!

P.S. Here’s the definition of a Christmas Carol: 

Joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ.

Noun. Joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ. Synonyms: carol. Noel. Canticle. Christmas hymn. Theology in music. Religious chorus. Tells the story of Jesus Christ’s birth.

**If you ever need idea starters for your showprep, give CreativeCardio.com a try. It’s a month to month membership, so you can cancel anytime. $40 gets you in!

Why Don’t My Phones Ring?

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Building a phone discussion is a lot more strategic than asking your listeners a boring question! It’s about inviting them into a conversation that’s already happening. It’s about compelling them to take time out of their busy morning because they have something to contribute. Try making statements in addition to asking questions. Think about new statements you can use to personally invite your listeners to call and contribute! People respond to statements that make them think! People respond to statements that are bold. Use dry calls, recorded voices of other people on staff, and recorded audio clips to spark a discussion! Pick up the phone and actually call back those listeners who text into your show and grab some audio. Encourage people to call and encourage one another! Remind them that their voice matters! If you need help, just sign up for Creative Cardio. We have an entire page full of listener clips you can use as call starters in your show today! $40 could change the texture of your show! 

Grab Your Listener!

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Economy of words is KEY in breaking through our listener’s busy life. Let’s be honest, we all over explain. Take 10 minutes and listen to one of your airchecks this week and look for the spaces you could have used more words with meaning, so you can have less filler. Use VERBS instead of adjectives. (Verbs are action words, while adjectives are descriptors)
Look for the ways to grab our listener’s attention in the first 15 seconds of EVERY break. Yes, every break should have a grab right up front because our listeners are distracted. Headline where you are going, so you can grab the listener’s attention right off the bat. After you intentionally grab their attention, dive into the story/the content/the spiritual thought or the discussion question. Start with a bang by grabbing the listener’s attention FIRST. That’s how you cut through in your show.
Intentionally use words with meaning! The Wizard of Ads, Roy H Williams explains how here. Cut the clutter by using more VERBS and start with something that will grab our listeners in every break.  

-Scott Herrold

12 Stress Points of Christmas

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Speak to the stress in your listener’s headspace is this week. Speak to the things that feel like burdens. Address the elements of life that make her “to do list” feel like it’s never ending. Outline 12 things that stress your listener out this week and find a song, a theme from the Bible or a quote to speak right into that stress! Share it in your show!

1. Time management, 2. budgeting, 3. meal planning, 4. health concerns, 5. weather challenges, 6. social obligations, 7. travel planning, 8. technology boundaries, 9. volunteering, 10. family drama, 11. giving back and 12. unrealistic expectations from everyone around her.

We have lifechanging Christmas songs that speak to ALL of this. Just point it out! – Scott Herrold

Simple Observations & A Big Payoff

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Look around you for the simple observations of humor as your kids start a new school year. The car pickup line, the bus stop, the kitchen mess as you prep and pack lunches. Kids who religiously complete their homework but consistently forget to turn it in. Think about the characters in your life. The setting around you that casts a texture. Think about overcoming the angst & conflict in your life. Tell those stories with more verbs in your communication style! (Use the ACTION words instead of overloading with adjectives.)

Think about the simple observations. Bougie snack request. Over-excitement over school supplies. Tiny kiddos with huge backpacks. Bus stop drama. New shoes that your kids outgrew in two months. Backpack archaeology. (You left this in here how long?) Think about both the joys AND quirks that come with the back-to-school season.

Reward Your Air Team W/ Time Back!

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Sometimes we forget how overworked our air team is. Everyone’s wearing more hats at the radio station than they did before the pandemic. How about giving your team some time back with showprep help?

$40 per month would be lifechanging for one of your hardest working talent! Sign up HERE or call 702.287.2477 to charge by phone. (There’s no contract, you can cancel anytime no questions asked!) Give your team time for creativity!

We also have packages to give access to your entire airteam too!

Idea Starters?

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

Creative Cardio is part brainstorm and part showprep. Sure, we share great stories for your show, but CreativeCardio.com cultivates idea starters. We challenge you to think about the way you grab your listeners
attention. We equip you to think about fresh ways to tell stories. We share acute angles everyday, so you can connect the heart of the character in the story directly to your listener. Creative Cardio Showprep is rich with encouragement &
camera angles to connect the emotions.

How Creative Cardio works. The bulk of our content is in our Idea Starters Forum inside CreativeCardio.com. We have thousands of faith angles & idea starters to share hope and encouragement. This is also a place to find seasonal content for your show. In addition, we have a space full of discussion starters for phone conversations or discussions with a partner on the air. That’s our Dry Artist Audio Page & Dry Calls Starters Page.

We have a Members Only Facebook Group where we post lots of content daily. In addition, we send out a weekly Idea Starters Email on Sundays to help frame your strategy for the week. This email is FULL of showprep stories and idea starters tailored for the specific season ahead. Each week we share dry audio from Christian artists & authors. We have a page dedicated to dry audio from artists & authors you can 1. use to start a discussion, 2. use like an interview or 3. play as quick clips to add texture to your show. Edit these up and use them with your style! We also have a separate page for discussion starters from listeners. You can use this dry audio to setup a discussion on your show anytime. In addition, there’s a page full of dry audio for pledge drives! If you’d like to do a 30 day trial, email us!

No Shotgun Marketing!

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

We need to change our view of radio marketing. It’s not a shotgun approach anymore. It’s relationships. Basic technology can make our marketing plans very targeted today. You just have to make sure your show incorporates that targeted, personal approach. Don’t look at marketing as hype. Look at marketing as a strategic plan to build deeper relationships with your listeners. By the way, you do have to carve out budget to pay for marketing if you want to reach people who aren’t already listening to you!

Be an “introducer” rather than a megaphone. Be an “influencer” and share your heart. Be a “role model” who stands on God’s Word. Be a “friend” rather than a deal closer.  Marketing has shifted from billboards & broad shotgun approaches to listener engagement and influence. When you’re doing your show, make sure your approach reflects a personal relationship with your listener.

There’s a difference between building cume (total number of listeners) and building AQH (Average Quarter Hour) listening. The easiest way to build cume is to spend money on marketing or generate a huge buzz in the community. But building AQH is something you CAN do today for your show. It’s simply going deeper with your listeners. Make this a priority! Look for ways to invite more people in. Most radio personalities use their radio shows to promote their social media and websites. However, the most influential personalities have learned how to use social media to connect with potential listeners and bring them back to actually listen to their shows. There’s a huge difference. Give real content to the people who are already listening. Look for ways to use social media to engage potential listeners and bring them back to your show. (Use some of your marketing budget to highlight your connective content on social media & Youtube.) Show people what you do, and invite them to come back and actually listen to your radio station. Make it easy for casual listeners to get more involved. Invite them! Remind them! Welcome them! All of this can help facilitate community, and that makes your show personal & memorable. -Scott Herrold

FREE Ideas For Your Show

Written by Scott Herrold. Posted in Uncategorized

We send out FREE idea starters for your show every month! Join our email list if you’d like us to send them your way!

Our paid members receive an email every SUNDAY night filled with perspective on how their listeners are living their life THIS WEEK. It’s specifically tailored to the coming week!

Follow along with our adventures!